Just Responsibility?
In June 2022, Jenny Sinclair, T4CG’s Founder and Director, gave the first in a series of lectures at Lincoln Cathedral exploring how Christian social theology helps us read the signs of the times in terms of the economy, work, nature, freedom, social peace, politics and civic life. Drawing in particular on Catholic Social Teaching Jenny’s talk “Just Responsibility?” explores how the Christian tradition can be a blessing to public life and discourse.
Click below to listen to a recording
If you would prefer to read Jenny’s lecture, you can download the text HERE
Lincoln Lecture Series
This eight part series stretches over 2022-2023 and was curated by Jenny Sinclair in partnership with Lincoln Cathedral. Other speakers include Lord Glasman, Edward Hadas, Malcolm Brown, Adrian Pabst and Jon Cruddas, with more to be announced. The series is part of the cathedral’s Common Good Project, which frames its civic and social engagement in the coming years.
Recordings and texts from the rest of the series can be found HERE
Like what you are reading? More inspirational content from Jenny Sinclair can be found here: https://togetherforthecommongood.co.uk/news-views/from-jenny-sinclair
T4CG’s contribution to the Lincoln Cathedral Common Good Project is supported by