We’re proud to draw from our shared experience across the Christian traditions, in particular from the body of thinking known as Catholic Social Teaching, a coherent framework that helps us stay human.
This way of thinking draws on sound theology and learned experience about the human condition in the modern world and helps us seed and support people to strengthen community. It equips us to critique approaches which have a tendency to dehumanise, such as collectivist and individualistic political ideologies. In this way we are non partisan and transcend the old notions of left and right.
T4CG is ecumenical in character and draws on the complementary gifts of different traditions in shared purpose for the flourishing of all. T4CG is independent of any denomination or organisation.
At this time of upheaval, the potential of people across the churches to help strengthen civil society is underestimated. We focus on unleashing that potential by resourcing, connecting across silos and providing an informed narrative about the Common Good.
Relationship building is at the heart of everything we do, drawing out connections and threads to reveal acts and initiatives of love and hope - traces of God’s vibrant kingdom at work in the world.