Put relationships first
People often ask, if there is one thing I can do for the common good, what would it be? The answer is to build relationships with our neighbours. Our culture is fragmented and we can all play a part in the solution. Remember relationship comes before action. Explore some of our suggestions and resources below.
Be intentional about meeting people whose viewpoints, background, class, or political tradition are different from your own. Enable people to speak freely: freedom of expression and freedom of conscience are fundamental to the common good.

The one-to-one conversation
Relationship is the cornerstone of the common good. The one-to-one conversation needs to become second nature. Have a one-to-one at least once a week with someone you don't know, just for the honour of hearing someone's story. The purpose is not a campaign and it costs nothing.
Use our Common Good checklist
How 'Common Good' do you think you are? Use our Checklist to review what you are doing - as a church, organisation or local group. Guaranteed to spark a lively discussion that will lead to positive changes!
Be intentional
Be intentional about making connection. Make eye contact and say hello at the checkout, in the cafeteria, on the bus, in the park, on the street. Get together with neighbours for a shared meal. Invite people across different backgrounds - and crucially, across a diversity of opinion. Enable open conversation with mutual respect. Co-own the evening: cook together, serve each other and clear up together.
Build relationship with Bible study
Gather a group around our six part bible study, the Word and the Common Good to build rapport between you and discover what the Bible has to say about the Common Good. This will motivate you to build relationships with neighbours and organisations in your area.
Become a relational church
Find out what it takes to become a Relational Church: read or listen to this session by our founder director, Jenny Sinclair.