Together for the Common Good produces a range of resources, some of which are set out below.

Leaving Egypt Podcast

Leaving Egypt is a podcast co-hosted by Jenny Sinclair and Al Roxburgh exploring what it means to be God’s people in an age of unravelling. Join Jenny and Al and discover fascinating guests reading the signs of the times and telling grassroots stories.


Common Good Schools

Help your young people prepare for an uncertain future by running our 10-week Common Good Schools programme in your school. We invite you to look at our introductory presentation, download a sample pack and book a call with our project leader, Jo Stow.


Public Lectures

Listen to our public lectures as podcasts. Each given by a leading thinker drawing on Catholic Social Thought to address the big questions of our day. In a time of profound change and instability, each of our speakers shows how common good thinking in practical terms can open up pathways to civic and spiritual renewal.


Our Director's Talks

Explore a collection of talks and sessions by Jenny Sinclair, Founder and Director of Together for the Common Good. Delivered for leaders across the Christian traditions, each talk is tailored to a particular brief.