The Politics of Grace and PlaceThere is a political dimension to the local church’s vocation. Not in a party political or campaigning sense, but rather in its call to transform civil society…16/02/2021
Renewing the CovenantTo restore our common life a new approach is needed. This is a letter inviting churches to renew the covenant by building local relationships.…20/10/2020
The Economics of the Common GoodMaurice Glasman sets out how Catholic Social Thought provides a framework for our social renewal, in particular our political economy.…28/10/2019
The Plague and the ParishThis is a joint letter in which we address the new era and invite the churches to consider their calling to play a critical role in civic renewal.…20/10/2020
Lincoln Lecture SeriesA series of lectures held in partnership with Lincoln Cathedral: how can social theology help us play our part in spiritual and civic renewal? …05/04/2022
Whose Justice?Jenny Sinclair’s editorial for the T4CG Newsletter for Michaelmas 2023: why campaigns to end poverty through welfarism repress and marginalise prophetic justice.…17/12/2023
The Meaning of GoodJenny Sinclair’s editorial for the Summer Newsletter 2023, on the life-giving story of local relationships, and the false claims of anti-humanism…26/07/2023
Whose Justice?T4CG Newsletter for Michaelmas 2023. Why campaigns to end poverty through welfarism repress and marginalise prophetic justice.…05/10/2023
The Meaning of GoodT4CG Newsletter for Summer 2023. Choosing good calls us into a life-giving story of local relationships, rejecting the false claims of anti-humanism…26/07/2023