The Spirit and the Common GoodDaniela Augustine explores a Spirit-inspired political economy of the common good…30/08/2022
The Workers and the ChurchSohrab Ahmari argues that theological orthodoxy goes hand-in-hand with a commitment to social justice…26/09/2024
How Christian is PostLiberalism?Adrian Pabst shows how post liberal politics draws on Christianity and is centred around trust, dignity and human relationships…17/05/2021
I stand with my Jewish peopleIn an age of rising antisemitism, Edward Hadas, a convert to Catholicism from Judaism, argues for unconditional Christian solidarity with Jews…16/12/2023
Capitalism, Communism, and Catholic Social TeachingFr Olek Stirrat says the response to the politicization and economization of reality must be rooted in Catholic Social Teaching.…05/05/2024
Challenges and opportunities facing the ChurchArchbishop John Wilson addresses the challenges and opportunities facing the Church…07/07/2024
A new formation, for a new eraA new formation for the new era, based around the Holy Spirit and the relationship between church, people and place…21/11/2021
Home for GoodAlison Milbank sees a solution to two contemporary crises: housing and church decline…29/03/2021
Levelling Up for the Common GoodTim Thorlby looks at Levelling Up through a biblical perspective…29/10/2022
A Synod for the WorldA new formation for the new era, based around the Holy Spirit and the relationship between church, people and place…13/02/2022