Social Justice and EvangelisationSocial doctrine is integral to evangelisation, a crucial part of the Church’s teaching…26/05/2023
Lincoln Lecture SeriesA series of lectures held in partnership with Lincoln Cathedral: how can social theology help us play our part in spiritual and civic renewal? …05/04/2022
Catalyst for RenewalOur Director Jenny Sinclair gives a short presentation about the work of T4CG at a Centesimus Annus workshop…24/02/2024
How to do justiceAt the launch of Caritas Social Action Network’s #DoJustice resource, Jenny Sinclair sets out why Christian justice is really all about relationship…16/02/2024
From “Me” to “We”Jo and Jenny look at the impact of individualistic culture, how it affects how we do social action, and share an update on our Common Good Schools programme…01/10/2023
Catholic Social Thought and Our CallingJenny Sinclair explores Catholic Social Thought to show how it equips us to play our part in God’s great participation…13/03/2023
Common Good, families, society & governmentWatch videos of our latest events discussing what the common good means for the family, for society and for government…03/10/2021