What we do
Working across the churches, T4CG has built a unique reputation for making the common good more widely known.
Downlad our 2024 Impact Report to read about our work.
We do this by providing thought leadership, as well as through relationship building, hosting public conversations and through partnerships and advisory roles, contributing where invited, in the active settings of church, school, social and political domains.
We also create resources and teach common good thinking at a range of levels: from bespoke sessions for church leaders, to training teachers to deliver our schools programme. Each strand of our work resources and supports the others.
T4CG draws on the tradition of Catholic Social Thought in an accessible way to empower people to read the signs of the times through an authentic Christian lens and to help them discern their unique vocation. We call this 'Common Good Thinking'.
Building relationships between churches and other institutions is at the heart of the way we work. We work in a broad coalition with many Christian organisations, and enjoy close links with our friends from other faith and non-religious traditions.