No repentance, no renewalAlan Roxburgh explores what it means to be God’s people in the uncertainty of a change of era…15/07/2023
Long-term leadershipHenry Corbett advocates the value of ministry over the long term, committed to people and place…25/09/2021
Staying putSally Mann argues that there is something heroic about engaging with place for the long term by staying put…27/09/2021
Day of TransformationThings are happening in the neighbourhood – God is at work in and through our relationships…08/07/2024
From space to placeIn an era of social fragmentation, how should the church pursue mission? Martin Robinson advises starting by listening to the neighbourhood…19/02/2020
Wrestling in ChurchHow a posture of listening in the neighbourhood led to an unlikely relationship and revitalised the life of a local church…02/04/2022
The Relational ChurchIn a session for deacon formation training, Jenny Sinclair explores why becoming a relational church is so important now, and the steps required to get there…17/12/2023
The Parish as a Shelter for the MarginalisedA panel event hosted by Divine Renovation featuring three parish priests and Jenny Sinclair…22/11/2024
Latest from Jenny SinclairDiscover the latest talks, sessions and articles by Jenny Sinclair, founder and director of Together for the Common Good…20/07/2024
Catalyst for RenewalOur Director Jenny Sinclair gives a short presentation about the work of T4CG at a Centesimus Annus workshop…24/02/2024