How Christian is PostLiberalism?Adrian Pabst shows how post liberal politics draws on Christianity and is centred around trust, dignity and human relationships…17/05/2021
The Dignity of LabourJon Cruddas argues that the dignity of labour must be at the heart of a renewed politics of the common good, and therefore calls for UBI should be resisted.…17/05/2021
Pentecostalism & socio-political engagementDavid Muir argues for an engaged Christian citizenship and explores the relationship of political culture with the Pentecostal understanding of the Pauline ‘principalities and powers’…25/07/2020
SolidarityChapter on Solidarity from Anna Rowlands’ book, The Politics of Communion: Catholic Social Teaching for Dark Times…04/06/2022
Faith, Government and SocietyMichael Wear, Obama’s faith advisor, says it is essential for people of faith to act together in their diversity, not only to ‘do’ compassion, but also to engage with politics and ‘seek the welfare…20/07/2020
The relationship between church and societyJenny Sinclair shares her personal discovery of the common good within Catholic Social Thought and why it is vital for the emerging era…01/03/2025
Immigration and Common GoodJenny Sinclair examines the sensitive question of immigration through the framework of Catholic social thought…21/12/2024
Why is it all falling apart?Jenny Sinclair and Fr Toby Lees OP of Radio Maria discuss the work of Together for the Common Good…04/03/2025
Justice and Reconciliation in the MarginsMeeting with Salvation Army leaders in Blackpool, Jenny Sinclair reflects on the relationship of the church with poor communities…20/10/2024