
Investing in Together for the Common Good will enable more people to discover the gift of Catholic Social Teaching. We are a highly effective small charity doing a lot with very little. Join us in building a pathway to spiritual and civic renewal! Your donation will make a big difference. Thank you!

Examples of how your gift can help:

  • £50 pays for a church leader to have an hour's coaching with us
  • £225 provides a 50% bursary to enable a school to join our Common Good Schools programme.
  • £400 funds the production of one episode of our Leaving Egypt podcast

A monthly gift will help us plan ahead. Thank you for investing in T4CG.

To find out more, download our 2023 Impact Report here

To explore partnership opportunities, please get in touch.


Alternatively you can donate by

  • Standing order - download form here
  • Cheque - download form here