Political Economy & the Good LifeAn excerpt from The Politics of Virtue: A Postliberal Manifesto, authored by a group led by Adrian Pabst and John Milbank…04/03/2025
The Workers and the ChurchSohrab Ahmari argues that theological orthodoxy goes hand-in-hand with a commitment to social justice…26/09/2024
Killing for the Telephone CompanyWilliam T Cavanaugh urges Christians to resist the idolatry of treating the state as the solution to any social ill, and to embrace radical forms of political pluralism that privilege local communities…29/09/2023
Social Justice and EvangelisationSocial doctrine is integral to evangelisation, a crucial part of the Church’s teaching…26/05/2023
The story in which we find ourselvesAlan Roxburgh explores what it means to be God’s people in the uncertainty of a change of era…06/04/2023
Capitalism, Communism, and Catholic Social TeachingFr Olek Stirrat says the response to the politicization and economization of reality must be rooted in Catholic Social Teaching.…05/05/2024
Challenges and opportunities facing the ChurchArchbishop John Wilson addresses the challenges and opportunities facing the Church…07/07/2024
A new formation, for a new eraA new formation for the new era, based around the Holy Spirit and the relationship between church, people and place…21/11/2021
The Dignity of LabourJon Cruddas argues that the dignity of labour must be at the heart of a renewed politics of the common good, and therefore calls for UBI should be resisted.…17/05/2021
Rethinking ‘Bias to the Poor’On its 40th anniversary, a reappraisal of David Sheppard’s Bias to the Poor and its influence on the English Church…05/04/2023