Catholic Social Thought and Our CallingJenny Sinclair explores Catholic Social Thought to show how it equips us to play our part in God’s great participation…13/03/2023
Young people and the desire for connectionTrends show a sharp decline in social trust among young people. Our Common Good Schools is an antidote, as Jo Stow reports…17/02/2023
Middlesbrough’s journeyAs profound change is underway across the churches, T4CG met with the Diocese of Middlesbrough as part of their synodal journey…02/06/2022
Driving ChangeT4CG’s director, Jenny Sinclair is interviewed by Mat Eason for the Seasoned For podcast…31/08/2022
Common Good Schools: Dec 2022Our Common Good Schools Project Leader, Jo Stow reports on a young people thriving using our SEN resources…18/12/2022
Common Good Schools: June 2022Meet our Common Good Schools Project Leader, Jo Stow and hear her vision for schools becoming hubs in their communities…01/06/2022
Common Good, families, society & governmentWatch videos of our latest events discussing what the common good means for the family, for society and for government…03/10/2021
Webinar: Renewing the CovenantAs we enter a new era, churches are called to the building of local, covenantal relationships…20/09/2020