The Word and the Common GoodThe Word and the Common Good is a short course for groups of Christians wanting to explore together their calling in their community.…17/05/2020
A Civilisation of LoveT4CG Newsletter for Pentecost 2023. Our economy is dysfunctional: Catholic social thought inspires us to argue for reform.…31/05/2023
FreedomT4CG Newsletter for Easter 2023 includes a warning to refuse the false freedoms of the new “Egypt”, the cult of neoliberalism…08/04/2023
Middlesbrough’s journeyAs profound change is underway across the churches, T4CG met with the Diocese of Middlesbrough as part of their synodal journey…02/06/2022
Time to get realT4CG Newsletter for November 2022. This is a time between eras: the old is dying and the new is emerging..…06/11/2022
Driving ChangeT4CG’s director, Jenny Sinclair is interviewed by Mat Eason for the Seasoned For podcast…31/08/2022
For such a time as thisT4CG Newsletter for September 2022. In the foolishness of hubris, it was assumed that things could only get better.…08/09/2022
The gentle spirit of loving kindnessT4CG Newsletter for Pentecost 2022. Kindness, tenderness and listening to the Spirit are more important than you might think…13/06/2022
The Politics of Grace & PlaceLatest T4CG Newsletter: our hearts are full of hope for new life, a hope that this year is mixed with grief…31/03/2021
Remember what is preciousT4CG Newsletter for Easter 2022. The Ukraine war calls us to remember who we are, to treasure what really matters…15/04/2022