Rebel with a causeThe story of T4CG, as told by Jenny Sinclair, exploring its origins in Liverpool, its work today, and why the common good is needed in an age of cultural and social unravelling…28/03/2024
Catalyst for RenewalOur Director Jenny Sinclair gives a short presentation about the work of T4CG at a Centesimus Annus workshop…24/02/2024
How to do justiceAt the launch of Caritas Social Action Network’s #DoJustice resource, Jenny Sinclair sets out why Christian justice is really all about relationship…16/02/2024
Co-Responsibility in MissionIn a webinar for Diocese of Clifton, Jenny Sinclair explores “co-responsibility” in synodality, helping churches develop stronger relationships…03/11/2023
Justice and PeaceT4CG Newsletter for Christ the King 2023. How the Church is called to justice and peace at this time of instability…25/11/2023
Called to be Friends: Being God’s People in Dark TimesIn a session for Caritas Diocese of Plymouth, Jenny Sinclair explores the 2023 World Day of the Poor through the lens of Catholic social teaching…22/10/2023
The Listening ChurchIn a keynote to the SVP National Meeting, Jenny Sinclair explores the call to become a “listening church” in times of unravelling…26/06/2023
Whose Justice?T4CG Newsletter for Michaelmas 2023. Why campaigns to end poverty through welfarism repress and marginalise prophetic justice.…05/10/2023
The Meaning of GoodT4CG Newsletter for Summer 2023. Choosing good calls us into a life-giving story of local relationships, rejecting the false claims of anti-humanism…26/07/2023
One-to-one ConversationsListening to other people is at the heart of building the Common Good. The one-to-one conversation is the core practice.…28/08/2019