Ukraine: resources & articlesLinks to resources for churches responding to Ukraine crisis plus articles providing political context…12/04/2022
Love and solidarityT4CG Newsletter for Lent 2022. How should the church respond in this new era?…15/02/2022
God’s MissionT4CG Newsletter for Christmas-New Year 2021/22: how do we understand mission at a time of profound change?…19/12/2021
Open to GraceT4CG Newsletter for Christ the King 2021. How do we restore a sense of the sacred and why is it important for the common good?…21/11/2021
Staying, loving, listeningT4CG Autumn Newsletter: featuring covenantal leadership and what common good means for society…06/10/2021
Rediscovering our vocationT4CG Summer Newsletter: in a desacralised world we are called to rediscover our vocation, to build covenantal relationships with our neighbours…06/10/2021
Webinar: Renewing the CovenantAs we enter a new era, churches are called to the building of local, covenantal relationships…20/09/2020
Building on lockdown spiritT4CG’s free 4-session guide helps local groups build on the community spirit that emerged during lockdown…20/10/2020
Common Good and Holy TimeNewsletter: this Lent is like being in the wilderness. But it’s a time to listen, to become open to God’s grace in order to build the Common Good…17/02/2021
Webinar: Preparing for a New ChapterWhat are the implications of this period of seismic change for the significance of place and the churches’ role in the renewal of civic life?…30/04/2020