The Plague and the Parish
Pope Francis said last year that we are not living through an era of change but a change of era. We are entering a new chapter in the history of the world, and of the church. Naturally, people are asking “how should the church respond?” If we are to act effectively and faithfully it is vital to understand what is taking place and how it is different from what went before.
This is why we produced The Plague and the Parish: An Invitation to the Churches in partnership with our friends at Journal of Missional Practice and The Common Good Foundation. Published on 29 May 2020 it is a letter calling the church to renew its vocation as a sign and foretaste of the kingdom of God.
We invite you to download the letter and read, to watch or listen to us reading it aloud:
We would love to hear your response. Please send your response to our colleague Annette McBride at annette@togetherforthecommongood.co.uk
This invitation comes out of a generous and generative partnering between Alan Roxburgh, Martin Robinson, Sara-Jane R. Walker and Mary Publicover (Journal of Missional Practice), Lord Maurice Glasman (The Common Good Foundation), Jenny Sinclair (Together for the Common Good), the Rt Revd Andrew Rumsey and Fr William Taylor.
The Plague and the Parish was shaped by responses to our webinar on 30 April 2020 which was attended by 100 church leaders from across North America, UK and beyond, and watched by more than 1000 on Facebook. We invite you to watch it via the link below: