The Politics of Grace and PlaceThere is a political dimension to the local church’s vocation. Not in a party political or campaigning sense, but rather in its call to transform civil society…16/02/2021
In Praise of those who AssembleStephen Sichel reflects on how Community Organising is being reinterpreted and the loss to the tradition when assembling communities are overlooked.…17/02/2023
The Plague and the ParishThis is a joint letter in which we address the new era and invite the churches to consider their calling to play a critical role in civic renewal.…20/10/2020
Feeding the rootsMore than just buildings, churches have a role in the local ecology, and like trees, their roots need feeding, says Andrew Rumsey…19/11/2021
The Way of PeaceThe T4CG Christmas-New Year Newsletter 2023-2024 – relationship is not a soft alternative to speaking truth to power – it is the antidote to individualism.…22/12/2023
Justice and PeaceT4CG Newsletter for Christ the King 2023. How the Church is called to justice and peace at this time of instability…25/11/2023
Modernity’s MistakeWe cannot liberate ourselves from the natural world and still flourish. We must cherish memory and place.…13/02/2022
Je ne regrette rienArchbishop Emeritus Patrick Kelly confesses his role in perpetuating a management culture that has affected the character of the church…15/05/2021
We GrieveFrom vulnerability and loss to Common Good: how a parish community remembered their neighbours lost to Covid-19…28/05/2020
Finding the treasureAfter a long period of neglect, estates churches are receiving attention, and proving to be a gift to the whole Church.…17/02/2020