We are dedicated to spiritual and civic renewal.

What’s happening in the Common Good world:

    Jenny Sinclair

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    • Explore content from our founder director, Jenny Sinclair

    • Discover how Catholic social thought can help us work towards civic and spiritual renewal

    Sr Helen Alford OP is the guest on our latest episode of Leaving Egypt. She talks about economics, modernity and the wisdom of Catholic tradition.

    Join the Leaving Egypt community or listen where ever you get your podcasts


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    Our Summer newsletter is out now.

    In times of uncertainty, it explores how Christians are called to respond for the common good.

    Get your copy here: https://mailchi.mp/togetherforthecommongood/summer2024

    Better yet, why not subscribe so you get the next one directly to your inbox https://togetherforthecommongood.co.uk/what-you-can-do/subscribe-to-our-newsletter

    Great evening hearing from @jonkuhrt on the future of Christian social action, and our need for both grace and truth in service. An inspiring event hosted by @T4CG at @londonjesuit in memory of @frankfieldteam

    Last Monday I gave a lecture on the future of Christian social action and the relevance of grace and truth. The video and text of the lecture is available for anyone interested.
    Big thanks to Jenny @T4CG for the opportunity

    ‘This framework has helped me find a hopeful realism.’ @jonkuhrt articulates ‘grace as a place for radical & raw truth telling’ in our social action @T4CG in honour of Frank Field

    ‘We mustn’t be seduced by the lure of feeling useful’
    @jonkuhrt makes a convincing call the Christian Church to be self- critical in our efforts to respond to need as we seek to bring change through our social action


    @jonkuhrt questions whether Christian social action is on the right track in our latest public talk given in memory of @frankfieldteam

    Join us online Monday 15th July at 1830

    Book here ⬇️


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