Our societies are confronting multiple crises within a period of epochal change. But as the People of God, we are not gloomy. Always hopeful, we are called to participate in spiritual and civic renewal. To address this, Jenny Sinclair leads a two part session drawing on the tradition of Catholic social thought. First, she invites us to read the signs of the times and understand what is going on, in cultural, political and spiritual terms. Second, she invites us to explore how we will respond, and our calling to the common good. Examining the symptoms of our cultural malaise and identifying the root cause, she introduces and unpacks the practice of the common good as the antidote, proposing intentional rebuilding of relationships at all levels.
This talk was originally given as part of a training session for Head Teachers as part of EducareM’s National School of Formation, at Coombe Abbey on 14 November 2024.
DOWNLOAD Jenny’s text HERE
This was included in the Christ the King 2024 edition of the T4CG Newsletter.
Like what you are reading? More inspirational content from Jenny Sinclair can be found here