Can covenant make society more collaborative?Jenny Sinclair and Steve Wyler discuss why individualism has trashed our society and how covenant can help to redeem it…17/12/2020
Webinar: Preparing for a New ChapterWhat are the implications of this period of seismic change for the significance of place and the churches’ role in the renewal of civic life?…02/03/2023
Creating a new storyWhat kinds of institutional reforms can we promote post Covid-19, and how can Christianity play a part?…17/12/2020
Defending humanityHow does lockdown impact the human spirit? How should the churches play their part in civic renewal?…17/12/2020
Common Good and Holy TimeJenny Sinclair’s editorial for the Lent 2021 newsletter, reflecting on how Lent is a time to listen, to become open to God’s grace in order to build the Common Good…14/02/2021
We need to build relationshipsIn our Autumn 2020 newsletter, we assert that building relationships is an act of resistance…28/10/2020
The Ethics of Common GoodT4CG took part in a panel discussion about the ethics of the Common Good.…26/10/2020
Defending HumanityJenny Sinclair’s editorial for the Winter 2020 newsletter in which she asks: How does lockdown impact the human spirit? and: How should the churches play their part in civic renewal?…17/12/2020
The Common Good in WendoverT4CG joined with St Mary’s Church in Wendover as the parish discerns its role for the Common Good.…25/10/2020
The Plague and the Parish: An Invitation to the ChurchesAs we enter a new era, how should the churches respond? Read our invitation and share your response with us…29/05/2020