What does it take to become a justice-seeking church?
We are living at a time of great upheaval. Geo-political change is taking place across the West. Leaders across the Christian traditions are asking “what’s going on and how should we respond?” and “what are the implications for the church?”
The Methodist Church of Great Britain is asking these questions – and, the key challenge underpinning its 2024-2025 Presidential theme is how to become “justice seeking disciples in a justice seeking Church.”
Revd. Helen Cameron, President of the Methodist Conference, commissioned Jenny Sinclair of T4CG to design three audio bible study reflections to address these questions, drawing on the tradition of Catholic social thought. They were played at the beginning of the three days of their national conference in July 2024. We’re making these available as videos below.
The three reflections are designed to be prayerfully challenging about what it means to be an authentic justice-seeking church. Jenny invites you to join her in reading the signs of the times, look at the reality on the ground, listen to God, listen to each other and to our neighbours, and, to dwell in passages from Scripture. The focus of each of the three reflections is as follows:
- Examining what’s going on in terms of the injustice we see.
- Looking at the dynamic between the church and poor communities.
- A justice-seeking church is a relational church.
Reflection #1 – Injustice: What’s Going On?
Reflection #2 – The Church and Poor Communities
Reflection #3 – Becoming a Justice-Seeking Church
Jenny Sinclair is founder and director of Together for the Common Good and co-host of the Leaving Egypt podcast
Like what you are reading? More inspirational content from Jenny Sinclair can be found here: https://togetherforthecommongood.co.uk/news-views/from-jenny-sinclair