Challenges and opportunities facing the ChurchArchbishop John Wilson addresses the challenges and opportunities facing the Church…07/07/2024
The relationship between church and societyJenny Sinclair shares her personal discovery of the common good within Catholic Social Thought and why it is vital for the emerging era…01/03/2025
Immigration and Common GoodJenny Sinclair examines the sensitive question of immigration through the framework of Catholic social thought…21/12/2024
Justice and Reconciliation in the MarginsMeeting with Salvation Army leaders in Blackpool, Jenny Sinclair reflects on the relationship of the church with poor communities…20/10/2024
People Politics and the Common GoodJenny Sinclair addresses the cultural and political upheaval, reads the signs of the times and explores our calling to the common good…23/11/2024
Common Good: A Better StoryJenny Sinclair gives a short talk on why the common good is the antidote to the malaise of our age…03/11/2024
A Justice-Seeking ChurchDrawing on Catholic social teaching, Jenny Sinclair reflects for the Methodist Church on justice, and the relationship of the church with poor communities…01/07/2024