The Relational ChurchIn a session for deacon formation training, Jenny Sinclair explores why becoming a relational church is so important now, and the steps required to get there…17/12/2023
Catalyst for RenewalOur Director Jenny Sinclair gives a short presentation about the work of T4CG at a Centesimus Annus workshop…24/02/2024
How to do justiceAt the launch of Caritas Social Action Network’s #DoJustice resource, Jenny Sinclair sets out why Christian justice is really all about relationship…16/02/2024
Middlesbrough’s journeyAs profound change is underway across the churches, T4CG met with the Diocese of Middlesbrough as part of their synodal journey…02/06/2022
Driving ChangeT4CG’s director, Jenny Sinclair is interviewed by Mat Eason for the Seasoned For podcast…31/08/2022