Pandemic and the common goodKelly Johnson argues that the pandemic is a chance for us to promote the common good and to share our joy in seeing it emerge, even in the midst of shared suffering…31/03/2020
The Politics of Grace & PlaceLatest T4CG Newsletter: our hearts are full of hope for new life, a hope that this year is mixed with grief…31/03/2021
Rediscovering our vocationT4CG Summer Newsletter: in a desacralised world we are called to rediscover our vocation, to build covenantal relationships with our neighbours…06/10/2021
Webinar: Preparing for a New ChapterWhat are the implications of this period of seismic change for the significance of place and the churches’ role in the renewal of civic life?…30/04/2020
We need to build relationshipsIn our Autumn 2020 newsletter, we assert that building relationships is an act of resistance…28/10/2020
From Grief to CovenantIn our Summer 2020 newsletter, we consider our shared grief and recall the difference between contract and covenant…13/08/2020
The Plague & the ParishIn our Pentecost newsletter we offer an invitation to the churches, along with new stories and free downloadable resources…30/05/2020
Disruption and the seeds of our renewalOur Easter newsletter is packed with resources, links and insightful commentary on the impact of Covid-19 on our social and political life…04/04/2020
Covid-19: political implicationsWhat are the longer term implications of Covid-19 for the political realignment that was already underway?…04/04/2020