Feast of Christ the King

We offer this free resource to help you celebrate the reality of God in an increasingly secular world. The Feast of Christ the King is celebrated on the last Sunday of the liturgical year - this year on November 20th. Originally a Roman Catholic feast, it is now observed by Christians of all denominations as a way to recognise and honour Jesus Christ as the ‘King of Kings.’

This resource has been created for you and your family, your prayer group, missional community or congregation. Hymns and readings are suggested but you may wish to substitute your own. The liturgy includes a Litany for the Solemnity of Christ the King: a litany is an ancient form of prayer that uses repeated statements in response to petitions, praise, intercessions, praise or blessings.

To reflect the Common Good, we suggest that you invite several readers to share the readings, inviting a good mix of people so as to have a variety of accents and voices.

The Feast of Christ the King was established in 1925 in response to the rise of secularisation, atheism, and communism and to publicly acknowledge the supremacy of Jesus Christ over all nations. The Feast is supported by the Catholic Social Teaching encyclical Quas Primas which summarises both the Old Testament and the New Testament teaching on the kingship of Christ. It asserts that the world’s disorder is the result of nations rejecting Christ and encourages Christians to use this annual feast as a time to rededicate themselves to the Kingship of Jesus. The Feast is sometimes referred to as the Solemnity of Our Lord Jesus Christ, King of the Universe.

We hope this resource is a blessing for you.

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