Levelling Up for the Common GoodTim Thorlby looks at Levelling Up through a biblical perspective…29/10/2022
A Biblical Response to Working PovertyDaniela Augustine explores a Spirit-inspired political economy of the common good…30/08/2022
Mission in the new eraWhat do we mean by mission? Churches Together England (CTE) focuses on the mission of the churches post-Covid…18/12/2021
Ice cream social and curbside libraryGod is calling us to practices of reweaving in our neighbourhoods to form community in the places where we live…15/07/2023
Is an ethical politics possible?In Krakow, Jenny Sinclair gives a talk exploring how Catholic social teaching can inform an ethical politics…09/01/2023
Middlesbrough’s journeyAs profound change is underway across the churches, T4CG met with the Diocese of Middlesbrough as part of their synodal journey…02/06/2022
Time to get realT4CG Newsletter for November 2022. This is a time between eras: the old is dying and the new is emerging..…06/11/2022
Driving ChangeT4CG’s director, Jenny Sinclair is interviewed by Mat Eason for the Seasoned For podcast…31/08/2022