Common Good Schools Pentecost 2024Jo Stow shares our Pentecost update in which we welcome a multi academy trust and our partners share stories of local relationship building…20/05/2024
Who is my neighbour?Jo Stow launches a free Lent resource and shares the latest on our network of Common Good schools…24/02/2024
Common Good Schools new websiteJo Stow launches a new website for our Common Good Schools programme and shares an update on our partners…19/12/2023
From “Me” to “We”Jo and Jenny look at the impact of individualistic culture, how it affects how we do social action, and share an update on our Common Good Schools programme…01/10/2023
The Italian ConnectionA group of Italian school children come to Liverpool and every aspect of their visit was the result of friendship…19/07/2023
Schools, the Common Good and the Holy SpiritJo explores how schools filled with the Holy Spirit can seed renewal in the local by building relationships, and she shares the latest on our schools network…27/05/2023
The Importance of RelationshipsThe importance of relationships in building common good requires a wider understanding of diversity, as Jo Stow reports…05/04/2023
Young people and the desire for connectionTrends show a sharp decline in social trust among young people. Our Common Good Schools is an antidote, as Jo Stow reports…17/02/2023
Common Good Schools: Dec 2022Our Common Good Schools Project Leader, Jo Stow reports on a young people thriving using our SEN resources…18/12/2022
Common Good Schools: June 2022Meet our Common Good Schools Project Leader, Jo Stow and hear her vision for schools becoming hubs in their communities…01/06/2022