Who is my neighbour? A free resource for Lent
Our Project Leader, Jo Stow, announces a free resource for schools for Lent
We are delighted to offer schools a free Lent resource consisting of six ready-to-use assembly presentations suitable for collective worship with KS3 and KS4. Students are invited to take a look at prayer, fasting, almsgiving and the passion and death of Christ through the lens of the common good. Each week, participants are challenged to make a contribution in different ways to contribute to the flourishing of everyone in school and in the neighbourhood.

Click here to download the resource
In the resource we feature stories and testimonies from some of our partner schools. Grateful thanks go to Cardinal Heenan Catholic High School in Leeds, to St Marylebone CE Bridge School in London, to Worth School in West Sussex, to Bishop Ramsey School in Ruislip and to Alsop High School in Liverpool. They are all doing great work to build the common good!
For example, Cardinal Heenan School is just across the road from Brandon House Care Home. Pupils and residents are getting to know each other – with pupils volunteering their time, talents and friendship, making weekly visits to the elderly residents. Both groups are enjoying the experience and they plan to continue for the rest of the academic year.
“I have found it a great opportunity to meet amazing and kind people and hear very inspiring stories. It has improved my social confidence and I will definitely continue the experience.”
Dillon, Year 7
In addition to visiting Brandon House care home residents, Common Good Schools lead Mrs Krystina Gold, is working to establish a relationship with a Penny Fields School, for children with special and complex needs, also in close proximity to the school. Krystina described the first meeting of pupils.
“We joined for their ‘Sing and Sign’ session. Cardinal Heenan pupils did not know Makaton and I was keen for them to connect on the same level – not as helpers, but fellow learners who had something to learn from Penny Field pupils. It was very noisy! There were people face to face, all trying to communicate!”
We look forward to seeing how how these relationships develop.
Thank you for reading this short update, just a taste of the wonderful things that are happening in our partner schools. We’d love you to help us encourage more schools to embark on the Common Good Schools programme by sharing the link to our free Lent Resource or click here to learn more and download a free sample pack to try at your school.
Jo Stow
Common Good Schools Project Leader
Prayer requests
We’d be grateful for prayers during the next few weeks.
- School staff who are planning to run the programme for the first time.
- Schools actively seeking community partners to work with.
- Students who will participate in the Common Good Schools programme.
- Jo, as she develops relationships with partner schools and seeks new partners.
“So we, being many, are one body in Christ, and individually members of one another.” Romans 12:5
Do you have a link with your local school? Are you a parent, student, teacher, senior leader, director of an academy trust, trustee or governor? We find the best way to engage is via a personal introduction.
For more details about the programme, please visit the Common Good Schools website where you can book a call with Jo Stow and download a free sample pack to try at your school.