The Common Good PrinciplesAt the heart of Common Good Thinking is a coherent framework of principles for all of us to put into practice in every day life and decision-making. Feel free to download this poster and…28/06/2020
The Common Good in WendoverT4CG joined with St Mary’s Church in Wendover as the parish discerns its role for the Common Good.…25/10/2020
The Plague & the ParishIn our Pentecost newsletter we offer an invitation to the churches, along with new stories and free downloadable resources…30/05/2020
New Perspectives meetupsNew Perspectives, T4CG’s youth branch, held meetups in April and May looking at the dignity of work and education and class, through the lens of Common Good thinking…17/05/2020
Disruption and the seeds of our renewalOur Easter newsletter is packed with resources, links and insightful commentary on the impact of Covid-19 on our social and political life…04/04/2020
The Remaking of Social LifeChurch communities are called to participate with God on the ground in the remaking of social life…21/02/2020