Living the Common GoodJenny Sinclair leads a mission day reading the signs of the times and explores what it takes to become a common good community.…20/05/2024
The Friendship of ChristJenny Sinclair’s editorial for the T4CG Easter Newsletter 2024 – to love God and to love our neighbour: friendship is the foundation of our communal life…16/04/2024
The DesertJenny Sinclair’s editorial for the T4CG Lent Newsletter 2024 – in a world falling apart, let us take time in the desert, reject temptations and join in with building the kingdom…05/03/2024
Lincoln Lecture SeriesA series of lectures held in partnership with Lincoln Cathedral: how can social theology help us play our part in spiritual and civic renewal? …05/04/2022
The modern day pharaohsJenny Sinclair discusses with Phillip Ullmann the impact of our modern economy on human beings, using the biblical analogy of Egypt and drawing on insights from Catholic Social Thought…28/03/2024
Rebel with a causeThe story of T4CG, as told by Jenny Sinclair, exploring its origins in Liverpool, its work today, and why the common good is needed in an age of cultural and social unravelling…28/03/2024
The Way of PeaceThe T4CG Christmas-New Year Newsletter 2023-2024 – relationship is not a soft alternative to speaking truth to power – it is the antidote to individualism.…22/12/2023
Whose Justice?Jenny Sinclair’s editorial for the T4CG Newsletter for Michaelmas 2023: why campaigns to end poverty through welfarism repress and marginalise prophetic justice.…17/12/2023
Justice and PeaceT4CG Newsletter for Christ the King 2023. How the Church is called to justice and peace at this time of instability…25/11/2023
The Meaning of GoodJenny Sinclair’s editorial for the Summer Newsletter 2023, on the life-giving story of local relationships, and the false claims of anti-humanism…26/07/2023