Good Neighbours and the Common GoodJenny Sinclair explores the underlying reasons behind Brexit and Trump and proposes that the churches can play a key role in supporting the rebuilding of our national community for the common good……06/03/2023
The discomfort of the working class graduateAs Brexit reveals the social and cultural disconnect between the educated and uneducated, Michael Merrick tells his own moving story…30/09/2017
The complexities around migrationMigration is arguably the most complex issue in the West today. How can we build an immigration system for the Common Good?…31/08/2019
Rebuilding the Broken BodyJenny Sinclair, in 2017, addresses the causes of division and how people across the churches can play a part in reweaving the social fabric…01/02/2023
Truth Telling and PoliticsJenny Sinclair’s lecture on ‘Truth Telling and Politics’, exploring the reasons for Brexit through the lens of Catholic social teaching…19/01/2023
Healing a divided nation: is the church prepared?What can be done to heal our divisions? How should people across the churches respond? Are we willing to give up our own tribalism?…31/08/2019