Common Good and the asset based approachAsset Based Community Development methodology is much talked about. But how does ABCD relate to the Common Good?…31/08/2019
A Politics of HopeAs social and political confusion reigns, Rabbi Jonathan Sacks explains what’s going on and what we can do build the Common Good…31/08/2019
The Church of the TableA priest in Italy wanted to help the homeless and the destitute migrants in his parish. From nothing, a community has been created…31/08/2019
Mine or Ours?Matt Wilson helps congregations generate practical ways to transform their relationship with money and contribute to the community at the same time.…28/10/2019
Chaplaincy to Older PeopleAs loneliness and isolation become increasingly widespread, churches are building common good with the elderly and housebound…31/08/2019
From Loneliness to Common GoodRead here for Jonathan Herbert’s vivid account of a common good approach to loneliness on a Dorset farm…30/09/2017