Poverty: how should the church respond?Jenny Sinclair explores the economic and social forces influencing the churches’ response to poverty and their relationships with poor communities.…27/03/2023
The Listening ChurchIn a keynote to the SVP National Meeting, Jenny Sinclair explores the call to become a “listening church” in times of unravelling…26/06/2023
Forty years since Bias to the Poor, whose side is the church on?40 years after Bias to the Poor by David Sheppard, churches are still estranged from poor communities. What can be done to put this right?…07/04/2023
Building on lockdown spiritT4CG’s free 4-session guide helps local groups build on the community spirit that emerged during lockdown…20/10/2020
Supporting your community during COVID-19?Covid-19: a list of practical resources for church communities supporting vulnerable neighbours and helping in social action during the crisis…04/04/2020