The Dignity of LabourJon Cruddas argues that the dignity of labour must be at the heart of a renewed politics of the common good, and therefore calls for UBI should be resisted.…17/05/2021
Levelling Up for the Common GoodTim Thorlby looks at Levelling Up through a biblical perspective…29/10/2022
A Biblical Response to Working PovertyDaniela Augustine explores a Spirit-inspired political economy of the common good…30/08/2022
The assault on humanityEdward Hadas examines the non-medical effects of anti-Covid-19 lockdown policies through the lens of six of the key principles of Catholic Social Teaching…12/12/2020
Communities need jobs to thriveAn inspirational story of church leaders’ collaboration with civic partners to keep and attract jobs to communities…18/07/2021
Through human workLatest T4CG Newsletter: featuring the dignity of work – more than just a way to make a living – it is good for our humanity…21/05/2021
Faith in Politics Interns Meet T4CGT4CG held a session for the Faith in Politics interns, looking at the Common Good in practice…25/07/2020
New Perspectives meetupsNew Perspectives, T4CG’s youth branch, held meetups in April and May looking at the dignity of work and education and class, through the lens of Common Good thinking…17/05/2020