On this page you will find links to resources for churches responding to the Ukraine crisis plus a selection of articles providing some analysis for those who want to go beyond general news output. Last updated: Holy Week, 2022.
Links to resources
Association of Ukrainians in Great Britain website packed with practical resources
UK Government Factsheet for Ukrainians
Reset Homes for Ukraine, toolkits for community sponsors and Local Authorities
NACCOM Hosting Good Practice Guide
International Federation of Red Cross Psychosocial First Aid
Trauma Healing Institute Helping people with trauma after a disaster (I)
Frank Cole Helping people with trauma after a disaster (II)
Dr Kate Middleton Talking to Young People About War
Caritas Social Action Network resource page for Catholic churches and Catholic parish community sponsorship of refugees
Church of England parish toolkit and resources for churches
Methodist Church of Great Britain toolkit for churches
Evangelical Alliance prayer and action points resource
Caritas Ukraine contact details and updates
Caritas Poland contact details and updates
Articles for context
Historical roots and Russian mindset
Jeff Fountain the religious and historical roots of Putin’s messianic pretensions
Marlene Laruelle it is a mistake to demonise everything that is Russian
Professor Olga Chyzh why do so many Russian speakers support Putin?
Jason Stanley and Eliyahu Stern Kremlin’s fascist ideology
Anatolii Babynskyi Ukrainian Orthodox priests say split from Kirill is inevitable
Farmer Kozyreva Townsley clergy want to break from Russian Orthodox Church
Public Orthodoxy A Declaration on the “Russian World” (Russkii mir) Teaching
Giles Fraser Putin’s Spiritual Destiny
Religion Media Centre Factsheet on Russia and the Orthodox Church
Ben Ryan How the Orthodox Church shapes Putin’s politics
Western response
NS Lyons China, Ukraine & The Western Soul
Konstantin Kisin stop using comfort blanket narratives like calling Putin Hitler
Jeff Fountain start working on forgiveness and reconciliation now
Ayan Hirsi Ali beware the narrative of good vs evil – it can hide hard truths
Adam Tooze Putin’s invasion may not lead to a new world order but an era of compromise
Piotr Gliński Polish Deputy Prime Minister why the EU is too decadent to fight Putin
Jacob Reynolds How Home Office bureaucracy betrayed by Ukrainian family
Jeff Fountain interview with Yuriy Kulakevych, Pentecostal pastor in Kyiv
Ed Cumming the iron will of the railway workers keeping Ukraine running
Yanis Varoufakis Ukraine cannot win this war
Aris Roussinos Russia has empowered dangerous factions in Zelenskyy’s army
Sergiy Osachuk The view from Ukraine: world war three has already started
Mostafa Rachwani Why Boris was gifted a ceramic cockerel on his visit to Ukraine
Russian army
Katherine Bayford hierarchical brutalising “hazing” practice in the Russian army
Mike Whitney The Pullback From Kiev Is Russian Escalation
Luke Harding Ed Pilkington Moscow promotes war chief who led troops in Syria for Donbas
Alexey Zhabin Russian conscripts subject to beatings, bullying, inducement to suicide