Philippians 2:3-4
Dear Friends,
Welcome to the summer newsletter from Together for the Common Good.
Whatever the next few months bring in political terms, people across the churches must play a constructive role and refuse the temptation to be tribal, not looking to our own interests but being attentive to the interests of others, acting as a force for good in our communities and playing our part in building a common life.
It would be wonderful if post-referendum Britain was having a lively national debate about what it would take to fix the underlying causes that led to Brexit. The churches could make a serious contribution to such a discussion. It’s worth taking a look at the latest Social Mobility Commission report on the left behind and left out. But the morbid symptoms affecting our political class will continue to play out until the settlement our country needs is reached.
In the meantime, churches at neighbourhood level are well-placed to do things government can’t do. We can help to bring about a renewed culture of mutual obligation. We can generate a sense of meaning and belonging by reasserting what it means to be human. We can bring people from different opinions and backgrounds together in shared purpose.
This summer’s bumper edition includes five great blogs for you – Luke Bretherton on Christ and the Common Life, Tim Thorlby on a cleaning business which treats its cleaners with respect, Catherine Brady on a parish finding its community purpose, Alison Gelder on young people taking responsibility, and Jenny Sinclair on the story of a church bringing fellow civic partners together to tackle homelessness, the Common Good way.
You will find lots of great stuff below to explore at your leisure: suggested books and podcasts, events listings, reflections on the political moment, T4CG news in brief, and our latest helicopter snapshot of Common Good activity across the churches.
Every blessing for a peaceful summer
Together for the Common Good
24 July 2019
To read the full newsletter, click here