Malachi 2:10
Dear Friends,
Welcome to this edition of the Together for the Common Good newsletter.
In the midst of the current upheaval the need for a Common Good approach becomes sharper every day. Common Good Thinking is about building a culture of encounter, and until a new political settlement is formulated that honours all our communities, morbid symptoms will continue to play out.
Some assert that Brexit is the cause of the current volatility, whilst others believe it is a consequence of profound changes in our politics and society over many decades. It has revealed a profound dealignment between the governing class and large sections of society. No wonder people feel politically homeless. Deep beneath it all, a culture of individualism affecting both the right and the left has undermined our common life together. An election is needed to make way for a new Parliament.
But civil society must step up too: we can help to strengthen the bonds of social trust and rebuild a sense of national community. We can start by getting out of our like-minded social circles and instead listening to our fellow citizens who have different backgrounds and opinions. And by refusing to be tribal and resisting the temptation to hold others in contempt. In the current climate, building social solidarity across class and opinion is countercultural and will help pave the way for a culture of the Common Good. If you want to build up the capacity of your parish or organisation to play its part you could consider running one of our one-day Here: Now: Us People workshops.
In this edition we’re delighted to bring you our latest helicopter view of Common Good activity across the churches, and two timely opinion pieces. Angus Ritchie proposes that the politics of Jesus calls us to an ‘authentic populism’, and Edward Hadas argues why both individualism and statism will inevitably fail and that the Common Good approach is the only way to honour truth and love.
Meanwhile on our blog, Steph Neville tells the story of discovering her vocational responsibility and how it has transformed not only her life but others’ lives too. You will find lots more useful stuff below including our latestnews, recommended books and events. Something for everyone.
Every blessing on your work
Together for the Common Good
19 September 2019
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