Purpose and scope of this policy statement
Together for the Common Good encourages people to build Common Good in the place where they live, strengthening social solidarity across different opinions and backgrounds.
Our work is to revitalise the churches through the meaning and practice of the Common Good, in order that they can fulfil their vital role in spiritual and civic renewal.
We do this through:
- our formation and training resources tailored for lay people, young people and church leaders.
- coaching senior church leaders and build generative partnerships.
- equipping young people with Common Good thinking and strengthening schools and youth settings as neighbourly civic institutions through our training resources and coaching;
- holding public conversation events and bespoke training sessions;
- connecting people across the Christian traditions through our regular newsletter.
The purpose of this policy statement is:
- to protect children and young people and adults who engage with Together for the Common Good’s staff and services from harm.
- to provide staff and volunteers, as well as children, young people, adults and their families, with the overarching principles that guide our approach to protection of children and vulnerable adults.
This policy applies to anyone working on behalf of Together for the Common Good, including senior managers and the board of trustees, paid staff, volunteers, sessional workers, agency staff and students.
We believe that:
- children and young people should never experience abuse of any kind
- we have a responsibility to promote the welfare of all children and young people, to keep them safe and to practise in a way that protects them.
We recognise that:
- the welfare of children and vulnerable adults is paramount in all the work we do and in all the decisions we take
- working in partnership with schools and other agencies is essential in promoting children and vulnerable adults’ welfare
- all children and vulnerable adults, regardless of age, disability, gender reassignment, race, religion or belief, sex, or sexual orientation have an equal right to protection from all types of harm or abuse
- some children and vulnerable adults are additionally vulnerable because of the impact of previous experiences, their level of dependency, communication needs or other issues
- extra safeguards may be needed to keep children and vulnerable adults who are additionally vulnerable safe from abuse
- everyone is responsible for child protection and safeguarding
We will seek to keep children, young people and vulnerable adults safe by:
- valuing, listening to and respecting them
- appointing a nominated child protection and safeguarding lead for children and vulnerable adults and a lead trustee for child protection and safeguarding
- adopting child protection and safeguarding best practice through our policies, procedures and code of conduct for staff and volunteers
- providing effective management for staff and volunteers through supervision, support, training and quality assurance measures so that all staff and volunteers know about and follow our policies, procedures and behaviour codes confidently and competently
- recruiting and selecting staff and volunteers safely, ensuring all necessary checks are made
- working with partners, adhering to their child protection and safeguarding policies when on school or other partners’ premises
- recording and storing and using information professionally and securely, in line with data protection legislation and guidance [more information about this is available from the Information Commissioner’s Office: ico.org.uk/for- organisations]
Positions of trust
All adults working with children, young people and vulnerable adults are in a position of trust. All those in positions of trust need to understand the power this can give them over those they care for and the responsibility they have because of this relationship.
It is vital that all workers ensure they do not, even unknowingly, use their position of power and authority inappropriately. They should always maintain professional boundaries and avoid behaviour which could be misinterpreted.
As of April 2022 it is illegal (England and Wales)(Northern Ireland) for those in Positions of Trust in a faith setting to engage in sexual activity with a 16 or 17 year old under their care or supervision.
The following Safeguarding Policy and Statement aims, to not only meet the requirements of ensuring safety, but to also build an open culture where:
- those who lead do so by example
- are committed to the safeguarding of all
- those that work or volunteer are safely recruited and trained for their roles
- there are accountability structures
- with codes of conduct
- the values of the organisation are embedded in its day to day actions and behaviours of its people
- and there is open communication
Working in partnership
Together for the Common Good works entirely through partnerships. The diversity of organisations and settings means there can be great variation in practice when it comes to safeguarding children, young people and adults. This can be because of cultural tradition, belief and religious practice or understanding, for example, of what constitutes abuse.
We therefore have clear guidelines with regards to our expectations of those with whom we work in partnership. We require all staff and volunteers to adhere to the safeguarding policy of the school or partner organisation when on their premises. Additionally, staff and volunteers are required to record and report any concerns to T4CG’s Lead Child Protection and Safeguarding Officer or Lead Trustee for Child Protection and Safeguarding
We believe good communication is essential in promoting safeguarding, both to those we wish to protect, to everyone involved in working with children and adults and to all those with whom we work in partnership.
This safeguarding policy is just one means of promoting safeguarding.
Legal framework
This policy has been drawn up on the basis of legislation, policy and guidance that seeks to protect children in England. A summary of the key legislation and guidance is available from https://learning.nspcc.org.uk/child-protection-system/englandUnderstanding abuse and neglect
Defining child abuse or abuse against an adult is a difficult and complex issue. A person may abuse by inflicting harm or failing to prevent harm. Children and adults in need of protection may be abused within a family, an institution or a community setting. Very often the abuser is known or in a trusted relationship with the child or adult.
To safeguard those we work with and in our partner organisations we adhere to the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child and have as our starting point as a definition of abuse, Article 19:
- States Parties shall take all appropriate legislative, administrative, social and educational measures to protect the child from all forms of physical or mental violence, injury or abuse, neglect or negligent treatment, maltreatment or exploitation, including sexual abuse, while in the care of parent(s), legal guardian(s) or any other person who has the care of the child.
- Such protective measures should, as appropriate, include effective procedures for the establishment of social programmes to provide necessary support for the child and for those who have the care of the child, as well as for other forms of prevention and for identification, reporting, referral, investigation, treatment and follow-up of instances of child maltreatment described heretofore, and, as appropriate, for judicial involvement.
Also, for adults the UN Universal Declaration of Human Rights with particular reference to Article 5:
No one shall be subjected to torture or to cruel, inhuman or degrading treatment or punishment.
Detailed definitions, and signs and indicators of abuse, as well as how to respond to a disclosure of abuse, are included here in our policy in Appendix 1.
Safer Recruitment
Together for the Common Good (T4CG) operates a checking procedure for employees who have access to children and young people.
Any candidate applying for a role which could involve visiting schools on behalf of T4CG (irrespective of whether they have direct contact with children or young people during their visits) will be asked to confirm whether they have ever been the subject of any child protection concern either in their work or personal life, or been the subject of, or involved in, any disciplinary action in relation thereto, including any which is time expired. If they have, they will be asked to provide full details.
In the event of a successful application for a role as described above, an offer of employment will be made conditional upon receipt of satisfactory Disclosure and Barring Service Checks (“DBS Checks”) in relation to criminal and child protection matters.
For those applying for paid employment:
There is a written job description / person specification for the post
- Those applying have completed an application form
- Those short listed have been interviewed
- Safeguarding has been discussed at interview
- Written references have been obtained, and followed up where appropriate
- A self-declaration form and disclosure and barring check (DBS) has been completed where necessary (we will comply with Code of Practice requirements concerning the fair treatment of applicants and the handling of information)
- Qualifications where relevant have been verified
- The applicant has completed a probationary period
- The applicant has been given a copy of the organisation’s safeguarding policy and knows how to report concerns.
For those offering themselves as a volunteer:
An informal discussion will take place and their role will be agreed with the Lead Recruiter
- Safeguarding will be discussed during the conversation
- Written references will be obtained, and followed up where appropriate
- A self-declaration form and disclosure and barring check (DBS) has been completed where necessary (we will comply with Code of Practice requirements concerning the fair treatment of applicants and the handling of information)
- The applicant will be given a copy of the organisation’s safeguarding policy and how to report concerns will be explained.
Induction, training and support
Together for the Common Good (T4CG) ensures that all staff (paid or voluntary) who visit schools and educational establishments on behalf of the organisation:
- receive induction training
- undertake recognised safeguarding training on a regular basis
T4CG ensures that all new staff whose role involves visiting schools or educational establishments on behalf of T4CG are aware of:
- T4CG’s safeguarding policies and procedures;
- Their own safeguarding responsibilities, including what to do should concerns about the welfare of a young person arise. This includes how to spot the signs that a child may be experiencing abuse and how to respond appropriately if a child makes a disclosure about abuse; and whistle blowing;
- The name, contact details and responsibilities of Lead Safeguarding Officer(s) at T4CG
- All new staff whose role involves visiting schools or educational establishments on behalf of T4CG will undergo safeguarding training and will undertake refresher safeguarding training every three years to reflect and improve on any safeguarding practices.
- As well as basic safeguarding training, the Lead Safeguarding Officer and the Deputies will receive specific training in their role.
- All staff whose role involves visiting schools or educational establishments on behalf of T4CG will be kept up to date with any changes that are made to T4CG’s Safeguarding policies and procedures.
The Lead Safeguarding Officer and Lead Trustee for Safeguarding will provide support to any member of staff who may need it.
The Together for the Common Good Code of conduct for staff and volunteers can be found in Appendix 3
Dealing with disclosures or concerns about a child or young person
The response to a disclosure of abuse is very important. When a child/young person discloses, they are vulnerable and may be feeling guilt, shame, confused and afraid.
- Listen carefully and accept what they person is saying.
- Offer immediate support and reassurance. It is important that you let the person know that you believe them and that what they have shared will be taken seriously. People rarely make up stories about abuse.
- Ask open questionsg. “is there anything else you’d like to tell me?” but listen more than speaking.
- Record a factual accountof the conversation immediately, using the person’s actual words wherever possible. Sign, date and keep the record safe.
- Report the concern or disclosure. In the school setting: T4CG staff and volunteers should report to the school’s Designated Safeguarding Lead and follow the school reporting procedures.
- Tell the person that you can keep it a secret. Do explain that you need to pass the information on to the DSL keep them, or other people, safe.
- Show shock, panic, overreact, be judgmental or make assumptions.
- Investigate, repeatedly question or ask the individual to repeat the disclosure.
- Discuss the disclosure with people who do not need to know.
Recording concerns and information sharing
Under no circumstances should a volunteer or worker carry out their own investigation into an allegation or suspicion of abuse. Rather, they should follow procedures as below:
Documenting a concern
The worker or volunteer should make a report of the concern in the following way:
Keep notes made immediately after concern or disclosure and record on Cause for concern form (see Appendix 5) Retain the notes you made and keep them in a safe place as they may be called on as evidence in a court of law.
In addition to reporting to the DSL of the school or partner you are visiting, a T4CG Cause for Concern form should be submitted to:
Nominated child protection and safeguarding lead
Jenny Sinclair
In their absence, to the Trustee lead for safeguarding and child protection
Trustee lead for safeguarding and child protection
Richard Holman
Allegations of Abuse
A partner organisation making an accusation against a T4CG worker (whether a volunteer or paid member of staff) should take complaints to:
Nominated child protection and safeguarding lead
Jenny Sinclair
In their absence, to the Trustee lead for safeguarding and child protection
Trustee lead for safeguarding and child protection
Richard Holman
If an accusation is made against a worker (whether a volunteer or paid member of staff) whilst following the procedure outlined above, the Safeguarding Lead, in accordance with Local Safeguarding Children Board (LSCB) procedures will:
- Liaise with Children’s Social Services regarding the suspension of the worker
- Make a referral to a designated officer formerly called a Local Authority Designated Officer (LADO) whose function is to handle all allegations against adults who work with children and young people whether in a paid or voluntary capacity.
- Make a referral to Disclosure and Barring Service for consideration of the person being placed on the barred list for working with children or adults with additional care and support needs. This decision should be informed by the LADO if they are involved.
Supporting information
This policy statement should be read alongside our organisational policies, procedures, guidance and other related information (which can be found in the Appendices):
- Role description for the designated safeguarding officer
- Anti-bullying
- Managing complaints
- Photography and sharing images guidance
Contact details
Nominated child protection and safeguarding lead
Jenny Sinclair
Trustee lead for safeguarding and child protection
Richard Holman
Thirtyone:eight Helpline
0303 003 1111
NSPCC Helpline
0808 800 5000
We are committed to reviewing our policy and good practice annually.
This policy was last reviewed on: 23 October 2023
Date: 23 October 2023
Appendix 1 - Supporting information
Definitions, signs and symptoms of abuse
The four main definitions are:
Physical, sexual, emotional/psychological and neglect
The following information is taken from:
What is physical abuse?
Physical abuse is when someone hurts or harms a child or young person on purpose. It includes:
- hitting with hands or objects
- slapping and punching
- kicking
- shaking
- throwing
- poisoning
- burning and scalding
- biting and scratching
- breaking bones
- drowning.
It's important to remember that physical abuse is any way of intentionally causing physical harm to a child or young person. It also includes making up the symptoms of an illness or causing a child to become unwell.
Signs of physical abuse
Bumps and bruises don't always mean a child is being physically abused. All children have accidents, trips and falls. And there isn't just one sign or symptom to look out for. But it's important to be aware of the signs.
If a child regularly has injuries, there seems to be a pattern to the injuries or the explanation doesn't match the injuries, then this should be reported.
Physical abuse symptoms include:
- bruises
- broken or fractured bones
- burns or scalds
- bite marks.
It can also include other injuries and health problems, such as:
- scarring
- the effects of poisoning, such as vomiting, drowsiness or seizures
- breathing problems from drowning, suffocation or poisoning.
Head injuries in babies and toddlers can be signs of abuse so it's important to be aware of these. Visible signs include:
- swelling
- bruising
- fractures
- being extremely sleepy or unconscious
- breathing problems
- seizures
- vomiting
- unusual behaviour, such as being irritable or not feeding properly.
What is sexual abuse?
When a child or young person is sexually abused, they're forced or tricked into sexual activities. They might not understand that what's happening is abuse or that it's wrong. And they might be afraid to tell someone. Sexual abuse can happen anywhere – and it can happen in person or online.
It's never a child's fault they were sexually abused – it's important to make sure children know this.
Types of sexual abuse
There are two types of sexual abuse – contact and non-contact abuse. And sexual abuse can happen in person or online.
Contact abuse is where an abuser makes physical contact with a child. This includes:
- sexual touching of any part of a child's body, whether they're clothed or not
- using a body part or object to rape or penetrate a child
- forcing a child to take part in sexual activities
- making a child undress or touch someone else.
Contact abuse can include touching, kissing and oral sex – sexual abuse isn't just penetrative.
Non-contact abuse is where a child is abused without being touched by the abuser. This can be in person or online and includes:
- exposing or flashing
- showing pornography
- exposing a child to sexual acts
- making them masturbate
- forcing a child to make, view or share child abuse images or videos
- making, viewing or distributing child abuse images or videos
- forcing a child to take part in sexual activities or conversations online or through a smartphone.
Signs of sexual abuse
Knowing the signs of sexual abuse can help give a voice to children. Sometimes children won't understand that what's happening to them is wrong. Or they might be scared to speak out. Some of the signs you might notice include:
- Avoiding being alone with or frightened of people or a person they know.
- Language or sexual behaviour you wouldn't expect them to know.
- Having nightmares or bed-wetting.
- Alcohol or drug misuse.
- Self-harm.
- Changes in eating habits or developing an eating problem.
- Changes in their mood, feeling irritable and angry, or anything out of the ordinary.
- Bruises.
- Bleeding, discharge, pains or soreness in their genital or anal area.
- Sexually transmitted infections.
- Pregnancy.
If a child is being or has been sexually abused online, they might:
- spend a lot more or a lot less time than usual online, texting, gaming or using social media
- seem distant, upset or angry after using the internet or texting
- be secretive about who they're talking to and what they're doing online or on their mobile phone
- have lots of new phone numbers, texts or email addresses on their mobile phone, laptop or tablet.
Children and young people might also drop hints and clues about the abuse.
Types of emotional abuse
It can sometimes be hard to know what emotional abuse is, especially when it happens as part of other kinds of abuse. That’s why we’ve got advice on the signs, effects and how to report it.
Emotional abuse includes:
- humiliating or constantly criticising a child
- threatening, shouting at a child or calling them names
- making the child the subject of jokes, or using sarcasm to hurt a child
- blaming and scapegoating
- making a child perform degrading acts
- not recognising a child's own individuality or trying to control their lives
- pushing a child too hard or not recognising their limitations
- exposing a child to upsetting events or situations, like domestic abuse or drug taking
- failing to promote a child's social development
- not allowing them to have friends
- persistently ignoring them
- being absent
- manipulating a child
- never saying anything kind, expressing positive feelings or congratulating a child on successes
- never showing any emotions in interactions with a child, also known as emotional neglect.
Signs of emotional abuse
There might not be any obvious physical signs of emotional abuse or neglect. And a child might not tell anyone what's happening until they reach a 'crisis point'. That's why it's important to look out for signs in how a child is acting.
As children grow up, their emotions change. This means it can be difficult to tell if they're being emotionally abused. But children who are being emotionally abused might:
- seem unconfident or lack self-assurance
- struggle to control their emotions
- have difficulty making or maintaining relationships
- act in a way that's inappropriate for their age.
- use language you wouldn't expect them to know for their age
- act in a way or know about things you wouldn't expect them to know for their age
- struggle to control their emotions
- have extreme outbursts
- seem isolated from their parents
- lack social skills
- have few or no friends.
What is neglect?
Neglect is the ongoing failure to meet a child's basic needs and the most common form of child abuse2. A child might be left hungry or dirty, or without proper clothing, shelter, supervision or health care. This can put children and young people in danger. And it can also have long term effects on their physical and mental wellbeing.
Types of neglect
Neglect can be a lot of different things, which can make it hard to spot. But broadly speaking, there are 4 types of neglect.
- Physical neglect
A child's basic needs, such as food, clothing or shelter, are not met or they aren't properly supervised or kept safe. - Educational neglect
A parent doesn't ensure their child is given an education. - Emotional neglect
A child doesn't get the nurture and stimulation they need. This could be through ignoring, humiliating, intimidating or isolating them. - Medical neglect
A child isn't given proper health care. This includes dental care and refusing or ignoring medical recommendations.
Signs of neglect
Neglect can be really difficult to spot. Having one of the signs doesn't necessarily mean a child is being neglected. But if you notice multiple signs that last for a while, they might show there's a serious problem. Children and young people who are neglected might have:
Poor appearance and hygiene
- being smelly or dirty
- being hungry or not given money for food
- having unwashed clothes
- having the wrong clothing, such as no warm clothes in winter
- having frequent and untreated nappy rash in infants.
Health and development problems
- anaemia
- body issues, such as poor muscle tone or prominent joints
- medical or dental issues
- missed medical appointments, such as for vaccinations
- not given the correct medicines
- poor language or social skills
- regular illness or infections
- repeated accidental injuries, often caused by lack of supervision
- skin issues, such as sores, rashes, flea bites, scabies or ringworm
- thin or swollen tummy
- tiredness
- untreated injuries
- weight or growth issues.
Housing and family issues
- living in an unsuitable home environment, such as having no heating
- being left alone for a long time
- taking on the role of carer for other family members.
Change in behaviour
- becoming clingy
- becoming aggressive
- being withdrawn, depressed or anxious
- changes in eating habits
- displaying obsessive behaviour
- finding it hard to concentrate or take part in activities
- missing school
- showing signs of self-harm
- using drugs or alcohol.
There are other forms of abuse including:
Child on child https://safeguarding.network/content/safeguarding-resources/peer-peer-abuse/
Child sexual exploitation https://www.nspcc.org.uk/what-is-child-abuse/types-of-abuse/child-sexual-exploitation/
County lines https://learning.nspcc.org.uk/child-abuse-and-neglect/county-lines
Domestic Abuse https://www.nspcc.org.uk/what-is-child-abuse/types-of-abuse/domestic-abuse/
Fabricated Illness https://www.nhs.uk/mental-health/conditions/fabricated-or-induced-illness/overview/#:~:text=Fabricated%20or%20induced%20illness%20(FII,worse%20than%20it%20really%20is.
FGM https://www.nspcc.org.uk/what-is-child-abuse/types-of-abuse/female-genital-mutilation-fgm/
In addition, we recognise that spiritual abuse is another form of abuse, though at present it does not have an agreed definition.
It may include:
“coercive control within a religious context, such as manipulation, exploitation, control through the misuse and abuse of scripture and divine position, censorship of decision-making, pressure to conform, enforced accountability, requirement of obedience, and isolation (Oakley 2009, Oakley and Kinmond 2013).”
(Taken from https://thirtyoneeight.org/media/4upcux21/spiritual-abuse-position-statement.pdf)
Appendix 2 - Guidance
The Role of Together for the Common Good’s Nominated Child Protection and Safeguarding Lead
The role of the Child Protection and Safeguarding Lead is to:
- take lead responsibility for developing and reviewing Together for the Common Good’s safeguarding and child protection policies and procedures
- take lead responsibility for implementing Together for the Common Good’s safeguarding and child protection policies and procedures
- ensure all members of staff visiting schools on behalf of Together for the Common Good understand and follow the organisation’s safeguarding procedures
- ensure all safeguarding and child protection issues concerning children and young people who are in contact with staff members while they are visiting schools on behalf of Together for the Common Good are responded to appropriately
- receive and record information from any member of staff who has reported concerns about a child or young person while visiting a school on behalf of Together for the Common Good
Working in partnership
When T4CG employees and volunteers are visiting the premises of partner organisations, they should:
- Follow the partner organisations safeguarding policy and adhere to procedures for visitors.
- Report any safeguarding concerns to the partner organisation’s designated safeguarding lead.
- In addition, report safeguarding concerns to or in her absence, the nominated Trustee for Child Protection and Safeguarding.
- T4CG’s nominated Child Protection and Safeguarding Lead would communicate with the partner organisation’s Designating Safeguarding Lead to acknowledge the concern and where deemed necessary, confirm that an appropriate response was being made.
Photography and sharing images guidance
Photographs/video taken will be used by T4CG to highlight the achievements of students using the Common Good Schools programme and to promote the work of T4CG.
Images and footage will be stored securely on Together for the Common Good’s One Drive.
Information about the work of Together for the Common Good and Common Good Schools will be shared with parents/carers and young people via a consent permission letter detailing the T4CG website https://togetherforthecommongood.co.uk and the Common Good Schools page https://togetherforthecommongood.co.uk/training/common-good-schools
T4CG require parents/carers and young people to grant permission by signing, completing and returning the form to T4CG via their school teacher/youth leader or by emailing it to schools@togetherforthecommongood.co.uk
Parents/carers and young people can withdraw consent at any time by notifying T4CG by email schools@togetherforthecommongood.co.uk who will, wherever possible, rescind all future planned use of the images/footage and arrange for all digital copies to be destroyed on request.
Any staff member or volunteer visiting a school or educational establishment on behalf of Together for the Common Good will ensure they are familiar with, and agree to abide by, the Antibullying policy of that school or educational establishment.
Appendix 3 – Together for the Common Good Code of Conduct
At Together for the Common Good (T4CG) we require that all of our employees and volunteers conduct themselves according to the highest standards of ethics, integrity and behaviour when working on our behalf. This includes, but is not necessarily limited to, full compliance with all legal obligations imposed by statute or any other source of law.
This Code establishes the standards of behaviour that must be met by all employees and volunteers. Where these standards are not met, appropriate disciplinary action will be taken. In cases where the breach involves serious misconduct, this may result in summary dismissal. In cases where a breach of the policy involves a breach of any law, then the relevant government authorities or the police may be notified.
The code of conduct aims to help protect adults at risk of harm, children and young people from abuse and inappropriate behaviour from those in positions of trust, and to reduce the risk of unfounded allegations of abuse being made.
The purpose of this policy is to make it clear what T4CG expects from employees, and employees are required to be familiar with and comply with the terms of this policy at all times. Failure to do so may result in disciplinary action, including, potentially, termination of employment.
In so far as this policy imposes any obligations on T4CG, those obligations are not contractual and do not give rise to any contractual rights. To the extent that this policy describes benefits and entitlements for employees, they are discretionary in nature and are also not intended to be contractual. They set the terms and conditions of employment that are intended to be contractual out in an employee’s written employment contract.
T4CG may unilaterally introduce, vary, remove or replace this policy at any time.
Standards of Conduct
While they are working for T4CG, it is expected that all employees and volunteers will:
- comply with all T4CG’s policies, procedures, rules, regulations and contracts
- comply with all laws
- comply with all reasonable and lawful instructions given by or on behalf of T4CG
- be honest and fair in dealings with co-workers, partners and trustees and to treat them with courtesy and respect
- be faithful and diligent, and actively pursue T4CG’s best interests at all times
- refrain from any discriminatory, bullying or harassing behaviour toward co-workers, partners, trustees
- not make any statements to the media about T4CG’s business, unless expressly authorised to do so by T4CG (requests for media statements should be referred to info@togetherforthecommongood.co.uk;
- not make any statements about T4CG on social media, or any other public platform, that may harm T4CG’s reputation
- in connection with the employee’s employment, not accept any financial or other benefit from any entity other than T4CG – unless acceptance of such benefit is in accordance with T4CG’s other policies or is otherwise disclosed to T4CG and expressly permitted by T4CG
- not engage in any employment or provide any services to a supplier or competitor of T4CG, except with T4CG’s prior written consent
- immediately disclose any potential, perceived or actual conflict of interest (whether direct or indirect) that may give rise to a conflict with the performance of the employee’s obligations to T4CG, or T4CG’s business, confidential information or reputational interests. T4CG may direct employees to take action to eliminate or reduce any such conflict, and employees must comply with such directions
- not engage in conduct, whether during or after work hours, that in the opinion of T4CG causes damage or potential damage to T4CG’s reputation
- not work while under the influence of prohibited drugs or alcohol
- not discriminate on the basis of personal characteristics including (but not limited to) sex, race, disability, pregnancy, age, marital status or sexual orientation
- not use any device provided by T4CG to access and/or download sexually explicit material or other offensive material
- not use any T4CG email accounts to send sexually explicit or suggestive material, or other offensive or harassing material
- maintain both during employment and after termination of employment with T4CG, the confidentiality of any confidential information, records or other materials acquired during the course of employment
- at all times, behave in a way that upholds T4CG’s core values and the integrity and good reputation of T4CG
- report any conduct of colleagues or volunteers which is in breach of any of the above, or potentially in breach of any of the above, without delay.
The role of workers (staff and volunteers)
When working with children and young people or adults at risk of harm, you are acting in a position of trust for [name of group/organisation]. You will be seen as a role model and must act appropriately.
Good practice
- Treat everyone with dignity, respect and fairness, and have proper regard for individuals’ interests, rights, safety and welfare
- Work in a responsible, transparent and accountable way
- Be prepared to challenge unacceptable behaviour or to be challenged
- Listen carefully to those you are supporting
- Avoid any behaviour that could be perceived as bullying, emotional abuse, harassment, physical abuse, spiritual abuse or sexual abuse (including inappropriate physical contact such as rough play and inappropriate language or gestures)
- Seek advice from someone with greater experience when necessary
- Work in an open environment – avoid private or unobserved situations
- Follow policies, procedures and guidelines and report all disclosures, concerns, allegations, and suspicions to the nominated child protection and safeguarding lead.
- Don’t make inappropriate promises particularly in relation to confidentiality
- Do explain to the individual what you intend to do and don’t delay taking action
Unacceptable behaviour
- Not reporting concerns or delaying reporting concerns
- Taking unnecessary risks
- Any behaviour that is or may be perceived as threatening or abusive in any way
- Passing on your personal and/or social media contact details and any contact that breaches [name of group/organisation] social media policy
- Developing inappropriate relationships
- Smoking and consuming alcohol or illegal substances
- Favouritism/exclusion – all people should be equally supported and encouraged
Breaching the Code of Conduct
If you have behaved inappropriately, you will be subject to disciplinary procedures (particularly in the case of paid staff where the line manager will consult the safeguarding coordinator as appropriate). Depending on the seriousness of the situation, you may be asked to leave T4CG. We may also make a referral to statutory agencies such as the police and/or the local authority children’s or adult’s social care departments or DBS. If you become aware of a breach of this code, you should escalate your concerns to the safeguarding coordinator or line manager..
I agree to abide by the expectations outlined in this document and confirm that I have read the relevant policies that assist my work with vulnerable groups.
Appendix 4 – Together for the Common Good Complaints Procedure
Our aim
Together for the Common Good is committed to responding positively to complaints against either the organisation as a whole, its members of staff or its volunteers.
We aim to ensure that:
- making a complaint is as easy as possible
- we treat a complaint as a clear expression of dissatisfaction with our organisation which calls for an immediate response
- we deal with it promptly, politely and, when appropriate, confidentially
- we respond in the right way - for example, with an explanation, or an apology where appropriate, or information on any action taken etc.
- we learn from complaints, use them to improve the way we work, and review our complaints procedure annually
We recognise that many concerns will be raised informally, and dealt with quickly.
Our aims are to:
- resolve informal concerns quickly
- keep matters low-key
- enable mediation between the complainant and the individual to whom the complaint has been referred
This policy ensures that we provide guidelines for dealing with complaints from members of the public against our organisation, our members of staff or our volunteers.
A complaint is defined as any expression of dissatisfaction, however it is expressed. This would include complaints expressed face to face, via a phone call, in writing, via email or any other method. All staff should have sufficient knowledge to be able to identify an “expression of dissatisfaction” even when the word “complain” or “complaint” is not used.
Together for the Common Good responsibility will be to:
- acknowledge the formal complaint in writing;
- respond within a stated period of time;
- deal reasonably and sensitively with the complaint; and
- take action where appropriate.
A complainant's responsibility is to:
- bring their complaint, in writing, to Together for the Common Good’s attention normally within 8 weeks of the issue arising;
- raise concerns promptly and directly with a member of staff in Together for the Common Good;
- explain the problem as clearly and as fully as possible, including any action taken to date;
- allow Together for the Common Good a reasonable time to deal with the matter, and
- recognise that some circumstances may be beyond Together for the Common Good’s control.
Except in exceptional circumstances, every attempt will be made to ensure that both the complainant and Together for the Common Good maintain confidentiality. However the circumstances giving rise to the complaint may be such that it may not be possible to maintain confidentiality (with each complaint judged on its own facts). Should this be the case, the situation will be explained to the complainant.
Formal Complaints Procedure
The formal complaints procedure is intended to ensure that all complaints are handled fairly, consistently and wherever possible resolved to the complainant's satisfaction.
Written records must be made by Together for the Common Good at each stage of the procedure.
Stage 1
In the first instance, staff member(s) must establish the seriousness of the complaint. An informal approach is appropriate when it can be achieved. But if concerns cannot be satisfactorily resolved informally, then the formal complaints procedure should be followed.
Stage 2
If the complaint cannot be resolved informally, the member of the public should be advised that a formal complaint may be made and the following procedure should be explained to them. It may sometimes be appropriate for a different member of staff, preferably a member of the Management Team, to make this explanation.
- A formal complaint can be made either verbally or in writing. If in writing the attached form should be used. If verbally, a statement should be taken by a member of the Management Team, staff member or a supervisor.
- In all cases, the complaint must be passed on to the Director. In the event of a complaint about the Director, the complaint should be passed to the Chair of the Board of Trustees.
- The Director or Chair of the Board of Trustees, depending on the nature of the complaint, must acknowledge the complaint in writing within one week of receiving it.
- One of the above will investigate the complaint. Any conclusions reached should be discussed with the staff member involved and their Line Manager.
- The person making the complaint will receive a response based on the investigation within four weeks of the complaint being received. If this is not possible then a letter must be sent explaining why.
Stage 3
- If the complainant is not satisfied with the above decision then a sub-group of the Board of Trustees will be convened to deal with the complaint.
- The sub-group will examine the complaint and may wish to carry out further interviews, examine files / notes. They will respond within four weeks in writing. Their decision will be final.
You may use this form to make a suggestion or to make a complaint about Together for the Common Good.
We would like you to return this form as soon as possible.
Your Name …………………………………………………………………………..
Address …………………………………………………………………………...
Telephone …………………………………………………………………………..
Email ................................................................................................
Date of incident
Approximate time of incident
Suggestion / Complaint
What action would you like to be taken?
What times are convenient for you to have an appointment to discuss this?
Appendix 5– T4CG Cause for Concern Form