For Our Common Good, Tell Each Other the Truth
Jenny Sinclair, Founder and Director of Together for the Common Good, spoke at the ‘Truth Telling and Politics’ conference, hosted by the Las Casas Institute Blackfriars at The Saïd Business School, Oxford on 3 December 2016.
In the lecture, Jenny explores the conditions in the UK that led to Brexit, tracing the breakdown of social trust over previous decades. She discusses the causes including neoliberal economics, the contempt for traditional communities and class estrangement, against a backdrop of individualism and the divisive culture of political correctness. Using the Christian metaphor of the body of Christ, she argues that the body has been broken. She goes on to assert that Christians should make an examination of conscience and that the Church should re-examine its relationship with poor communities, and set about rebuilding broken relationships. Setting out Catholic social teaching as a framework that can empower churches to fulfil their calling by helping to rebuild a common life, she sets out the work of Together for the Common Good (at that time in 2016),
Jenny Sinclair spoke alongside Lord Patten of Barnes, Anneliese Dodds MEP, Lord Shinkwin of Balham, Samuel Burke OP and Rt Hon John Battle.
You can download Jenny’s talk as a PDF HERE
Watch the video below
Like what you are reading? More inspirational content from Jenny Sinclair can be found here: https://togetherforthecommongood.co.uk/news-views/from-jenny-sinclair