A new formation, for a new eraA new formation for the new era, based around the Holy Spirit and the relationship between church, people and place…21/11/2021
A Synod for the WorldA new formation for the new era, based around the Holy Spirit and the relationship between church, people and place…13/02/2022
The Politics of Grace and PlaceThere is a political dimension to the local church’s vocation. Not in a party political or campaigning sense, but rather in its call to transform civil society…16/02/2021
The Plague and the ParishThis is a joint letter in which we address the new era and invite the churches to consider their calling to play a critical role in civic renewal.…20/10/2020
A New Formation, for a New EraJenny Sinclair argues that for the new era, discipleship formation must be centred on the Holy Spirit and relationship with people and place…30/01/2023
Rediscovering our vocationT4CG Summer Newsletter: in a desacralised world we are called to rediscover our vocation, to build covenantal relationships with our neighbours…06/10/2021