A Biblical Response to Working PovertyDaniela Augustine explores a Spirit-inspired political economy of the common good…30/08/2022
Levelling Up for the Common GoodTim Thorlby looks at Levelling Up through a biblical perspective…29/10/2022
Time to get realT4CG Newsletter for November 2022. This is a time between eras: the old is dying and the new is emerging..…06/11/2022
For such a time as thisT4CG Newsletter for September 2022. In the foolishness of hubris, it was assumed that things could only get better.…08/09/2022
Time to get realJenny Sinclair’s editorial for November 2022 reflecting on this time between eras where the old is dying and the new is emerging…06/11/2022
For such a time as thisJenny Sinclair’s editorial for the September 2022 newsletter on geopolitical upheaval and how the churches should respond…04/09/2022